Become A Guest Blogger With Fishing Companion
Are you a writer with good angling skills? Planning to try it out sometime? Or are you just so passionate about fishing you’ll want to share your experiences? If you’d like to submit your post to be featured on our site, Fishing Companion accepts guest post submissions from writers and bloggers that are enthusiastic about fishing and fishing equipment from around the world. However, we do not condone sponsored posts. This includes links back to for-profit sites. You may also contact us by email at for any further clarification.
What Kind of Posts We Are Looking For?
We truly care about providing useful and helpful information for fishing enthusiasts, so we are on the lookout for accurate and captivating informational posts. Please visit our home page at and click on the gallery of our previous posts to see what we have on offer and gauge if you are the right fit to work with us. You may also contact us via email at with a draft article for us to consider.
Here Is What A Guest Post Needs
Each post needs a great Title Headline. All of our posts serve a purpose – either as answers to searcher questions or as shareable content.
Sub Headings that are very relevant to your chosen Title Headline. We will edit down the article to remove subheadings that aren’t relevant to the topic.
New and original content: We will not accept pre-published or plagiarized content for any reason.
Provide Valuable Information
Our users possess varying skill sets, so we cater to all difficulties and skill levels with our content. We want our readers to know that they have found the best fishing technique and equipment resources on the internet when they read our blog posts.
Images & Video
If you include any images in your submission, Fishing Companion will not use them. Instead, our in-house graphic designers will provide any infographics you might need. You are guaranteed a featured post image as well as a longer one for Pinterest.
A Word Count Between 1,500 – 2,500
Depending on the quality of the work done and the context, we might publish longer or shorter posts on rare occasions. We reserve the right to choose what to publish on our site. All submissions must be the original work done by the person that is submitting them.Fishing Companion hereby exempts itself from any copyright infringement responsibility past a takedown obligation once notified.
Only 1 Link To Your Site
You can include a single hyperlink to the submission to enjoy the SEO benefits of guest posting. Any links must be related to the content of the submitted blog post, however. You can also include a link to a social media account of your choice, which will appear next to your name in the credits beneath the article.
We will try our best to publish as much of your content as possible. If there are any edits to be made, we will attempt to contact you to make them. We hereby reserve the right to make changes that fit your post’s tone or flow to better fit your post in with our site. We also reserve the right to add affiliate links.
Author Bio
You will receive full credits as the author of your work. You can leave a short bio about yourself at the end of the post, along with a description of your site and that social media link we mentioned earlier.
We will remove any affiliate links included in your bio. The only links allowed to be included in the bio are to your site and to your social media.
You can also add a picture of yourself to be published, but this is not required. Readers do love to connect a face with the guest blogger. If you go ahead and include a photo to be published, we will only consider headshots.
If we choose to submit your post, you may promote links to it on your website, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or any other social media platform. This doesn’t give you a license to re-publish the article on another site, either in whole or in full, without the explicit permission of the team at Fishing Companion. You may include a link to your guest blogger post and a short sentence or two explaining what the article is about.
Submitting Your Post
To submit your post for consideration, you have to agree to our Guest Blogger Agreement.
We receive lots of submissions, so some do not make the cut, understandably. Our team is prepared to receive many times the number of submissions that we need. We will also reject out of hand any posts that don’t fit into the guidelines for posting or that we feel aren’t a good fit for our blog.
If and when your piece is selected for publishing, you will be contacted. Our team would appreciate it if you refrained from requesting the status of your submission beforehand.
We do not pay for submissions. When you submit a post, you agree to waive any rights to compensation for writing the post. We will provide you with adequate repayment for your efforts in the form of promotion on our site and across Fishing Companion’s social platforms.
You will alert us to any potential or existing conflicts of interest you might face concerning your submission.
As a guest blogger, you are aware that we must review and edit every submission we choose to publish before publication on our site.
You also agree to our tit-for-tat backlink exchange from a post or page on your site.
Guest Blogger Submission Agreement
Every guest post submission is the sole intellectual property of Fishing Companion. The Author is independent of Fishing Companion.
The author agrees to not repost any of the submitted content on any other site and recognizes such an act as copyright infringement. They can only refer to the article via links to the post on our site.
Fishing Companion reserves the right to edit and delete portions of submitted guest posts as it determines in its sole discretion without any approval by the author.
By submitting a guest post article, the Author agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Fishing Companion and its successors, officers, directors, and employees harmless from any actions, causes of action, claims, demands, costs, liabilities, expenses, and damages arising out of, or in connection with any breach of this agreement by the Author.
By submitting a guest post article, you agree to the above requirements to be a guest blogger with Fishing Companion and adhere to all rules and regulations. Once you have submitted your post, you will be contacted by email letting you know that your post is marked for publishing.
Please email all submissions to Once your post passes the vetting process, you will be notified. If your article doesn’t make the cut for any reason, you may or may not be notified about it. If you follow all the above suggestions and stay within the bounds of your topic, you shouldn’t have any problems.
Thank you for your interest in getting published on Fishing Companion! If you have any additional questions you may contact us at